Smiling Professionals Blog

Amy Gray Amy Gray

Benefits of Earthing/Grounding

Earthing, also known as grounding, is a practice that involves direct contact with the Earth's surface, typically by walking barefoot or using conductive materials like earthing mats or sheets. It has been suggested that earthing can have numerous health benefits, based on the theory that direct contact with the Earth's electrical energy can restore the body's natural electrical balance.

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Amy Gray Amy Gray

You are what you eat

A discussion about Real Food. Includes information about organic produce and ways to be smart about what you buy

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Amy Gray Amy Gray

The Illness-Wellness Continuum

An introduction to the Illness-Wellness Continuum including discussion of the Wellness Energy System and the Twelve Pillars of Wellbeing

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Amy Gray Amy Gray

The meaning of Health and Wellbeing

What is the difference between Health and Wellbeing? This article takes a look at the definitions of both Health and Wellbeing and how holistic health coaches can help you find balance through the different pillars of wellbeing.

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Amy Gray Amy Gray

Being a Highly Sensitive Person

An overview of the strengths and drawbacks of being a Highly Sensitive Person. Seven tips are also included for highly sensitive people to consider to avoid and reduce overwhelm.

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Amy Gray Amy Gray

What is a Health Coach?

A health coach is a professional who facilitates a holistic process of self discovery for the client, where insights and strengths are built and values are clarified.

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Amy Gray Amy Gray


Looking at the relationship between contemplation, self awareness, holistic health coaching and well being.

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