Showing you the path to health, well being and happiness

A holistic Health coach is a guide and mentor who empowers you and provides ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health, well being and happiness. 

Bespoke six month programme $1600 NZD

Bespoke three month programme $810 NZD

Together we will

Set your personal goals and work towards sustainable change by:

  • Comprehending your body’s unique needs.

  • Considering what aspects of your current life need changing, adjusting or fine tuning

  • Exploring numerous aspects of well-being including nutrition and self care.


Your commitment

  • Book and attend an initial free consultation.

  • Attend two 50-minute one-on-one sessions per month for six months (or three months).

  • Be open minded, willing to explore and try new things.

  • Be willing to take a close look at your current belief systems and behaviours.

  • To smile in the process.


How to start

To decide if health coaching is right for you, I invite you to schedule a free initial consultation with me. During this session, we will discuss your health and lifestyle, and identify your main concerns to determine how I can best support you in achieving your goals

“Life can be tough. Some of us don’t seem to notice that we’re struggling.

Some of us aren’t ready to acknowledge that we’re struggling. We like to be admired for helping others or achieving things. But this is actually only admirable when you place your own deepest needs first. This means taking care of yourself through continuous education, curiosity, love, understanding and respect.

When you truly live your worth, our society will be better for it and importantly, the generations that follow will also reap the benefits of healthier communities.”

 Book a free consultation today

You are invited to schedule a free initial consultation with Amy